Skate Park & Ice Skating

Smelter City Skate Park

Smelter City Skate ParkLocated in the Benny Goodman Park at the Eastern end of Anaconda, the park has been featured in several skate board magazines and web sites.









Ice Skating

Ice SkatingThere are three outdoor ice skating rinks at and around Georgetown Lake. The 7 Gables Resort has been clearing the pond across from their parking lot for skating and ice hockey. On Main Street in Anaconda, across from the historic Washoe Movie Theatre, is Kennedy Commons ice rink and in Philipsburg, behind Broadway to the south, is Winninghoff Park Ice Rink and Clubhouse at 106 Stockton St. All three are open to the public and are free.

Skate Rentals

Georgetown Lake
Seven Gables Resort – 20 Southern Cross Road (406) 563-5052

Sven’s Bike Shop – 320 E Commercial Ave (406) 563-7988

Skates for Sale

Bob Ward & Sons – 1925 Dewey Blvd. (406) 494-3445